Bitfan ID is the requested account for using this service.
You can register by using the third-party SNS account or by mail address and password.
docomo users
Email settings → Advanced settings/cancellation → Receive/Reject settings → Receive settings → Enter in the input field of the domain or address you want to receive individually → Registerau users
au one top → au Customer Support → Click here if you are having trouble with junk mail → go to junk mail filter setting → junk mail filter → set specified reception list → enable / edit list → enter Enter → RegisterSoftbank users
Email button → Email/PC Email settings → Email/address settings → Spam/Email block settings → Individual settings → Receive/Reject settings → Enter in the input field of the address → Select right-hand match → RegisterFor Web mail users.
Email may be sent to the junk mail folder. Please check your spam folder as well.